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Re: Chronic pain! Desperate for some relief. I'm not sure what's happening or how to fix it. Please help! Sorry long post!
Sagitta Views: 6,116
Published: 15 y
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Re: Chronic pain! Desperate for some relief. I'm not sure what's happening or how to fix it. Please help! Sorry long post!

If Jadyn has interstitial cystitis, as opposed to the normal cystitis, cranberry juice will exacerbate her symptons. I've been there and done that. Please see my earlier post. I have lived sympton free for years, using the program in the book.The only unfortunate thing is should I indulge in moderate to large amounts of the prohibitted foods and yes some forms of suplements, I would still experience mild discomfort, which I banish with a about 3 cups of herb tea over two days at most, a so I am still researching to find a complete cure. I long for freedom to eat loads of tomatoes If like me, in the past,as soon as you get a flare up you reach for vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid, beware.Use calcium ascorbate instead, without added b vitamins instead. Acidic Vit C will torture your bladder. Get the book! I am in no way associated with the book or author, but my loyalty to it is based on the fact,that the Author was the first person who I read who seemed to recognise that a different approach was indicated when dealing withn IC as opposed to the common version of cystitis. I followed the common cystitis regimen at first and paid the price.


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