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Re: Chronic pain! Desperate for some relief. I'm not sure what's happening or how to fix it. Please help! Sorry long post!
kakiebaby Views: 5,836
Published: 14 y
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Re: Chronic pain! Desperate for some relief. I'm not sure what's happening or how to fix it. Please help! Sorry long post!

okay this was happing to me since last oct, I still have it a tiny bit, but SOOO much better. I had already had candida for 2 1/2 years when this started. I was having bladder infection symptoms bad but no blood and no pain when peeing just all the rest of the time, different from my other normal bladder infectins!!!, went to my normal doctor and they gave me an antibiotic, seemed to work for a week then it was back, went back to the doctor they did a test and no bacteria was found (they DO NOT test for fungus I asked for it specifically and they wouldn't!!!) so they gave me another round of a different stronger antibiotic (I'm a fool, I know!!!!) did not work once again, got so feed up that is what pushed me to see a natural doctor, he did not have a lab that would test urine, so he took a vaginal kit and dipped the swab into the pee and sent it in and entercococcus faecalis was found!!!! he said caprilic acid would help that so I did it and I got so much better!!! FIND A NATURAL DOCTOR FOR TESTING, there labs are plain and simple just better! I still can not have sex since oct of last year, but at least I'm not in hell from that every day!


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