His lab did not do urine tests so he dipped a swab in my urine and sent it into the lab as a vaginal sample and that bacteria showed. so I think it was just a culture, but not sure. get on the caprylic acid fast if thats the bacteria you have!!! its at health food stores. its a antifungal but also has anti bacterial properties. Yah its 90%better. I didn't even use the caprylic acid that long either cause I didn't want my candida to get use to it, but I'm sure if I did it longer it might have taken it completely away, just haven't focusing on the bladder cause I have really serious other problems going on so kind of placed that on the back burrner even though it was hell. yes could eat spicy things and no problem after, but still can't have sex feel like it would come back if I did, I still get little flares like once a week (don't know if it lays dormit, or if that is just a symptom of the candida acting up, its hard to tell cause I have so many things going on.