No, I haven't tried that product. I think my odour is caused by parasites and so I have been doing parasite cleanses. I have seen some improvement but I think it will take a while to get rid of the parasites as my immune system is quite low at the moment because of the amount of stress I am under because of this problem. I also take two spoonfuls of Apple Cider vinegar with cayenne pepper in the morning (which is supposed to help improve digestion amongst other benefits), Milk thistle to support the liver and Activated charcoal (always two hours away from food and supplements) to absorb the toxins. I am also going to start doing yoga or Tai chi to help with the stress.
Have you tried taking Goldenseal? It is supposed to help with fecal odours as it improves digestion and has helped quite a few people.
Have you considered that parasites may be the cause of your odour. I think it is worth considering for anyone who thinks their odour is caused by candida as parasites cause candida.
Here is a list of possible symptoms of parasites from the Humaworm forum.