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Re: What is mankinds Purpose?
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Re: What is mankinds Purpose?


You have a tendency to ask some VERY interesting questions, 'thinker'. That's the real way to learn well (by being a FREE THINKER instead of conforming to the church of man and it's teachings).

Since the church of man hasn't stolen your mind, what do you suppose would have happened if Adam didn't make the wrong decision in the Garden of Eden?

1) There would have been no need for God to send His son.

2) There would never have been any Israelites, Jews, Hebrews, bible, Disciples or Apostles.

That's right, the whole earth would be a "Garden" and we'd all be living in perfect harmony with God enjoying life for ourselves (this would have been our WHOLE purpose...TO SIMPLY ENJOY LIFE AND BE HAPPY).

Since God is the creator of earth and life, our happiness would bring Him "glory".

God is "glorified" by knowing that HE is responsible for us being HAPPY....
..........(of course, the whole world will be disappointed to realize that WE cannot PERFORM "glorification").....we can CAUSE it by doing the right thing, but we can't cause it with WORDS.

"Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by man, nor is he served by human hands" (Acts 17:24 and 25,....the Athenians were philosophers/THINKERS like you, Monkeytime)....spiritual understanding comes from a mind that can be philosophical.

The Lord doesn't want us to be condescending to Him (He doesn't want us to 'kiss up' or flatter Him), neither does He has no get pleasure from being COMPLEMENTED or patronized.

So what's all this "praise"?'s what the people who "worship with lips"/sound do (you know, the ones who insist on fearing the loving kind creator).....

"And the Lord said: "Because this people draw near with their mouth and honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me, and their fear of me is a commandment of men" (Isaiah 29:13).

Of course, God always knew how things would turn out in the Garden of Eden. Now our purpose is to learn the truth of our true heritage so that we can return to Him.

Our true and sincere desire to return to Him will "glorify" Him.



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