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Purpose of posting here
Monkeytime Views: 3,004
Published: 15 y

Purpose of posting here

Maybe I should share something to leave you all with?

My Whole purpose of posting here was to expose the Stupidity of the Scientific Theory of Evolution and all who have fallen for this False Religion.

Even so-called Christians have Fallen for this False Religion.

Then we have the I, me am God or God is within me and it is all about I and me, who reject Creation and our Creator.

Anyone who by choice has Fallen for these Lies has been Greatly deceived.

Anyone claiming to be a Christian, who has voted for any Public officials who supports Abortions(Murder of Unborn babies) is just as Guilty as the one Murdering the baby.

All those who don't claim to be Christians, who believe in the theory of evolution and abortions may fit in the same groups of being guilty of Murder.

Anyone who belives 100% in the theory of evolution must think they come from Monkeys.

Why not just call a spade a spade?

When it is the truth, then name it so.

It isn't my fault those believing in the False Religion of evolution don't like being called Crazy Monkeys.

If the shoe fit then wear it.

I see I got your attention on the subject and it seems many do not like what their ears are hearing.

So be it.

This job has been done.

Absolutely no one has been able to prove Human kids come from Monkeys, yet some still believe in the false religion of evolution.

Then all those who support Abortions and want to claim if we have but Love even Murder of unborn babies is ok, as long as your warped sense of Love is considered..

If the shoe fits wear it.



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