Re: Warm hands, feet - it's not so simple he he :)
Świetnie! =) =)
The hardest part for me in changing my diet to benefit my thyroid was giving up tea because of the fluoride content. As you know in our culture tea is a staple of our diet, and I love tea, so when I read that fluoride upsets the thyroid, I was very sad. =( =( My mom looked at my like I was crazy when I stopped drinking tea.
I think my original post was the detox talking because I feel more refreshed today after better sleep. My temperature is still really low (94 this morning =( =( ) but I'm a believer that the best medicine is not supplements but sleep. That's why I'm taking the
Iodine in the first place is to improve my sleep. If after therapy I'm still hypothyroid, then I'll just take Armour, big deal. As long as I sleep well, I'm happy. I'm just trying to see if I can get my body to naturally sleep soundly. I slept pretty well before I tried my first
Lugol's Iodine dose in December (2 days of 5 - 10 drops), and that's when my health took a turn for the worse (detox??).
Positive attitude marsz marsz!! =)