Hormones work differently for everybody, but I used a bioidentical progesterone cream (from yams) prescribed by my naturopath at a pretty low dose (30mg/day, days 14-28). It worked beautifully for me for about a month and a half -- then all Hell broke loose. Now I have brain fog, fatigue, depression, back pain, and (THE WORST) a UTI that will not go away despite many rounds of natural and pharmaceutical treatment. I will be going in to a urologist soon to get tested for interstitial cystitis. If you use this stuff be very aware of any changes going on in your body. I just figured I was still withdrawing from Mirena, and kept taking the cream even when my symptoms got bad. I have been off of it for 3 months with some symptoms getting better, others getting worse.
Big hugs and fingers crossed for your ultrasound. Keep us updated!