I too am 6 mo post removal. I am there with you. I get the same thing. I like crap for about half of the month as well. I don't know why the tail bone hurts---really odd. I also have pain in both wrists during that time. As crazy as this may sound, I hope it does take 18 months to get better...hopefully the same as the depo. 18 months is a lot better than never. When I feel bad on these days, it really is scary and I feel like there is something really bad wrong with me. It's hard to believe everything is fine when I feel so bad. I often wonder if there has been any permanant damage. All tests came out fine though. Hang in there. You are not alone!!! At least your gyn gave you some info. My gyn just said, "Everyone is different and she didn't really know." I was also told that not many women have had side effects. I figured something is wrong with that statement, so keep in touch with your gyn and keep asking the questions. Keep us posted. Hopefully, one day soon this will all be just a part of the past.