Sometimes, I wish it was as simple as cleaning up diet. I have made major changes to my diet in the past five years with little change in how I feel. I have Hashimoto's hypo with fibro and CFS. However, I believe that a lot of damage was done over the years and probably a little more when I changed from refined salt to Sea Salt only because of the lack of Iodine content in my diet in the past few years. I can only hope that Iodine helps the situation as dessicated thyroid did little to correct my situation (so I don't think this is the sole solution). I like Brownstein's book Overcoming thyroid disorders that I just finished reading. He proposes some other complicating factors including hypercoagulation and infections that I found interesting and had not considered before. I can only hope that raising my daughter with real, whole food (as much as possible in this day and age) will help prevent some of these problems in her (wish I had known even more when I was pregnant). I am a work in progress.