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Re: Thank you lovely people!!
stannarad Views: 1,754
Published: 20 y
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Re: Thank you lovely people!!

You're so welcome! It really does help to know other people are struggling through the same issues ( although I'm so sorry of course, to see anyone else ill, like you mentioned ). Yes, I have done countless liver flushes-- and sorry to say YES they DID make my gut worse! I kept trying them every so often, because you here soooo much about them here on CZ. Well they didn't do anything for me. and the last several I did REALLY tore up my insides good! I sure won't ever be trying those again. The bile is just too caustic to the irritated mucousa. It just goes to show you how what works for one, doesn't for another :-). I've had much more success with taking the liver supporting herbs. Here is the link to the one I take

I remember now you mentioning burning. I used to get that, although I was in SOOO much pain all the time, I couldn't really tell you what was what :-(. My hubby used to come home from work, and I'd be in the same fetal postion as when he'd left. He says now that I was a c-shaped grub ( you know how they are always curled up?- LOL ) I get lots of burning in my intestines though. It usually happens when i try some new supplement- or drink COFFEE- NO MORE COFFEE for me!!! He he.

Yeah, I think when you have the severe health issues like we do, it's imperative to stick to a protcol. Although don't be afraid to change things up a bit if something isn't helping. My problem has always been to try too MANY new things! I will start to feel a little better- then I think " well maybe if I add in this it will help more " NOT a good idea if you're extremely sensitive to supplemnts and foods like I am! He he he :-). Don't give up. Sometimes I just cry and think I'll never be well, but I just know that God doesn't want me to suffer my entire life-- so that gives me inspiration! Curezone is such a wonderful place for support too. Most of the time people are more than willing to share thier experiences. Sometimes it gets a little way out--- but it's always nice to keep an open mind I suppose :-) :-). I'll click on the email option in case you ever want to shoot me an email. I live in the US. ( Florida ) but I have an email friend ( who I also "met" here ) in the UK.

Love and best wishes,


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