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Re: To Mooney
mooney Views: 1,861
Published: 20 y
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Re: To Mooney

Thanks that's really kind of you both to replie, I am not sure what to do really. I am not 100% sure that it is the Amalgams though like Lapis says it is gross stuff that I am sure I would be better with out. Even if I do get them done I have 13 left and I will have to get them out over time because I couldn't afford to do it any other way. It could be other stuff though cos I had a really stressfull childhood and from what I have read this can play havoc with the liver. Also the problems I had came not long after I had my first period and I was very late in starting. Again it could be hormones, I now have endometriosis and some of this is on and around the bowel. I only found this out a couple of years ago but it could have been there back then causing some damage to my digestion.

I know what you mean Lapis about the raw veg but I am not sure this is the way forward for me at the moment because of my inablity to digest, I have tried this a bit and I honestly seem to go better on stuff that has already been broken down a bit, like stew and soup. I have found diet wise that it is best to stay off wine and wheat. There is probably other things that I haven't sussed yet.

Thanks though cos its good to know that there are others out there going through the same stuff...even though in other ways its horrible to think that there are people out there going through the same stuff...if you know what I mean...Moonie


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