Re: help/advice someone
Hey Anne,
I'm sorry you're not feeling as good as you did yesterday. You said you got a fluke out with the CE yesterday, that doesn't usually happen with a CE and that tells me, the liver.....You used the castor oil pack last night so I'm sure its that congested liver thats causing your discomfort, you're stirring things up, now you've got to get them out.
Your body can keep up with the detox, even without the IF#2 because you said you've been taking activated charcoal and taking straight doses of activated charcoal is giving your body much more to absorb the toxins than the amount of it you'd be getting in the IF#2.
I'd do another CE, that will likely make you feel better. Don't back off now girl! You've just got started and your body is happy to be getting rid of those toxins. You can take more charcoal but be sure to drink lots of water with it and throughout the day so you don't get constipated.
Me thinks it all boils down to that congested liver. No matter when you do the cleansing Anne its going to be a little uncomfortable for ya and if you backed off now you'd lose ground that you're gonna have to cover sooner or later.
Hang in there girl, this too shall pass and you'll come out the other side better than when you started!