Hey Anne,
I'm sorry you're not feeling as good as you did yesterday. You said you got a fluke out with the CE yesterday, that doesn't usually happen with a CE and that tells me, the liver.....You used the castor oil pack last night so I'm sure its that congested liver thats causing your discomfort, you're stirring things up, now you've got to get them out.
Your body can keep up with the detox, even without the IF#2 because you said you've been taking activated charcoal and taking straight doses of activated charcoal is giving your body much more to absorb the toxins than the amount of it you'd be getting in the IF#2.
I'd do another CE, that will likely make you feel better. Don't back off now girl! You've just got started and your body is happy to be getting rid of those toxins. You can take more charcoal but be sure to drink lots of water with it and throughout the day so you don't get constipated.
Me thinks it all boils down to that congested liver. No matter when you do the cleansing Anne its going to be a little uncomfortable for ya and if you backed off now you'd lose ground that you're gonna have to cover sooner or later.
Hang in there girl, this too shall pass and you'll come out the other side better than when you started!
Did you have any dressing on your spinach salad? If so the oil in it is likely what's causing the liver rumble.
"hope I havent blown this by eating a little"
LOL, I'd say that when you put whole food into your mouth then you likely have blown this juice fast! You've started up your digestions system again and when you do that your body has to work to digest which means its not using all its energy to heal.
But its not to late to start over since all you ate was spinach and an apple, hope you masticated them well! Those are foods you could have juiced and it would have given you the same feeling or whatever it is that you got out of eating them.
Here is where a JFBW comes to the rescue with some tough love. I know when you get in a panic mode its hard to remember what you should do so maybe if you write it out and put it on the fridge so you'll see it next time it would help.
Whenever we're healing our bodies and our bodies are showing signs of detox the thing we ALWAYS do is MORE! You can look at it like this Anne, when we back off because of a little discomfort then the toxins WIN and we sure don't want that to happen.
Pull yourself up by the bootstraps and start again girlfriend! A little spinach and an apple aren't the end of the world but if you continue to eat solids then you aren't juice fasting. Tell yourself that when you start exhibiting signs of detox that you're gonna do more of everything you're doing instead of eating solids. Work through it Anne, I promise you if you do it will be most empowering!!!!
If you feel panic setting in and tightness in your chest, then start slamming the Cayenne! It works!
Keep us posted on your victory over this hump! ;)
I'd go ahead and do that liver flush, your liver needs it bad!
Glad you're hanging in there! ;)
Anne & everybody -
Let's see if we can't get this all cleared up and get everybody some "liver learning". Anne, you should DEFINITELY print this off and hang copies wherever you need them!
Firstly, a bit of history about Anne_33, between all her past posts on CZ, having her gallbladder cut out , her past drinking, everything I've learned when helping her personally (before the forum opened), AND her past allopathic & naturopathic diagnosis...we can safely assume that her liver is basically a congested mess (and she knows she has liver flukes). She should be doing daily coffee enemas & nightly castor oil packs consistently, and should be doing full liver flushes every week (or every other week)...along with as much foot reflexology, "liver TLC" and 'morning liver drinks' as she can fit in. As soon as she can tolerate herbs, she should be taking 3-5 tablespoons of ground milk thistle seed powder, parasite herbs and using the liver tea & liver tincture along with her morning flush drinks. Depending upon her diet, how consistent she is with juice fasting and other healing/parasite protocols, and how 'clean' she eats & drinks, in cases like this, 30-40 total liver flushes is not unheard of to 'get back to normal' (of course, if we do 'full programs and stay consistent, much less flushing can be needed).
So YES ANNE, if you & your doctor within are feeling like you need to flush, then FLUSH ON!!
Now then, when our liver is congested and full of flukes, what can we expect when we start stirring it all up, having rotting parasite carcasses in our liver, and start dumping it all into our intestinal tract?
EVERYTHING that Anne has reported that she experienced today (plus other things that she's not reporting). Attention Anne/Everybody....THIS. IS. NORMAL. ...and it is no reason to break a healing juice fast, nor is it a reason to panic or be frustrated.
Tiny lil' burpettes and/or big ole belches? Normal
Tiny lil' toots and/or big ole farts? Normal
(either of the above can be substantial enough to kill small birds or animals! lol)
Slight queasiness and/or gut-holding nausea? Normal
Bloating? Normal
Headaches? Normal
Panic/Anxiety at any/all levels? Normal (especially when there are parasite issues)
Shortness of breath - Normal
Brain fog - Normal
Cold hands & feet - Normal
Emotional swings - Normal
Tiredness, fatigue (and exhaustion after a flush) - Normal
Twinges, wiggles, 'biting sensations', vibrations, "gurgles you can feel", dull aches, pain, swelling, discomfortant, tension, "catches", and all varieties of the same (in the red areas below) - Normal
Why is all this normal? Because:
--stale old bile, deposits in the liver of waxy/greasy debris, biliary sludge, liver/gallbladder stones, and rotting/dead parasite carcasses are toxic (sometimes extremely so) and disruptive to the digestive tract. Anything mixed with bile assimilates into the bloodstream VERY rapidly, and poisons/toxins in your bloodstream make you feel bad in any variety of ways. Solution: get it all OUT of your digestive tract as soon as possible! Coffee Enemas are your best friend :)
-- Think of a network of tiny tubes, that are covered inside with layers of junk (some that's formed into globules) with all kinds of 'thick curtains' hanging down into the tubing (liver flukes), and lots of thick sluge. But the bile your 'normal digestion' depends upon has to flow (and has been flowing) through these encrusted tubes for years...and this network of tubes hasn't been cleaned for your whole life. The bile gets through it all somehow, but it's flow is limited already (or else you probably wouldn't be cleansing your liver)...So you've started to loosen everything up and push it out (a little bit at a time). And what happens? ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING!! You can have an increase in the flow of healthy bile, feel better, poop better, dump a bunch of toxic emotions and be soaring through your day...eat a salad (or eat nothing), and all of a sudden your 'liver engine of tubes' get's a tiny lil' clog somewhere (or several 'somewheres') and then hardly any bile gets through (so whatever is in your digestive tract isn't getting digested and your intestines aren't being triggered by bile to squeeze). And that turns you into a "Burpy Urpy Machine". It's logical and it's NORMAL. And Coffee Enemas are still your best friend!
IF#1 & IF#2 helps adsorb the toxins from your bloodstream AND from inside your digestive tract. IF#1 keeps it all moving.
Ginger is the strongest anti-nausea herb on the planet (except for cannabis), and it increases the flow of bile
The Liver Tea is based on an ancient digestive remedy (very soothing for BUMmers) :::grin:::
Peppermint leaf and/or Fennel seed tea are also very soothing and de-gassing
Extra Bentonite or Activated charcoal (than what already in the IF#2) adsorb even more toxins (but can be a bit constipating)
Pure water dilutes and helps flush away toxins
Putting a few drops of the bitter Liver/GB tincture on your tongue every few hours triggers your liver to create/expel good healthy bile (and some 'stale' might come out with it)
Garlic increases bile flow, but can cause more Burpy Urpy
Castor oil packs are very "decongesting" and extremely soothing.
Cayenne is a good herb for anxiety, but the powder isn't very "soothing" to the digestive tract (hence tincture is best for anxiety) Bentonite/charcoal helps adsorb toxins from critters.
If you experience any/all of these things, there is nothing "wrong" with you! You are NORMAL. Your liver just REALLY needs your help (it certainly had your help getting congested, eh?).
Flush ON!
my anxiety in general has really been low since I havent been eating ..Yay! Your body is cleansing.
I can feel the castor oil packs working on me for sure and I can tell the coffee enemas help me too ..they just make me feel better...Yep, now that I'm doing them I know for sure they make you feel great!
yep on the liver flukes...no doubt I am full of em for sure. I know you're gonna get those nasty critters outta there will the flushing your gonna do!
all in all I am doing ok on this cleanse Good for you! ..just have my bad moments like everyone else :) Yep, we've all got them from time to time but they always come to an end.
I'm glad to hear you're doing so well Anne. I'm sure your body is thanking you for loving it like you are!