Re: Juicing & electrolytes...and kidneys Re: Juice fasting: Who will join me? Calling all JFBs!
thanks, I'll check it out. This has all been a bit overwhelming, recently. Nothing on any of my allopathic tests has come up with kidney dysfunction, but I guess that doesn't mean there isn't a problem. I am taking potassium bicarb per Dr. Brownstein's recommendation, and between that and the topical/transdermal magnesium oil, and at this point, compression socks most of the day, the cramping is less severe. Maybe I wouldn't need the potassium bicarb after a kidney cleanse. My husband looked up where these minerals are absorbed in the body, and he said the small intestine, which I know I have a problem with, so I guess healing that is a priority. I think I need to do another good
parasite cleanse, too. I had been living on basically fruits, veggies and some nuts, mostly raw, for a good while, eating along Schulze's recommendations, but maybe the fast was the missing piece. What's weird is twice in the past 2 weeks I've eaten red meat (thinking the iron might help, since I was low in that too) and felt better within an hour, and the rest of the day my legs and feet were warm, which they NEVER normally are. And, it appeared to digest fine, without the usual gas and bloating I always seem to get with my healthy foods - lol!