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Re: Juicing & electrolytes...and kidneys Re: Juice fasting: Who will join me? Calling all JFBs!

Kidney Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Kidney Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

unyquity Views: 3,245
Published: 15 y
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Re: Juicing & electrolytes...and kidneys Re: Juice fasting: Who will join me? Calling all JFBs!

I found Schulze's 5 day, but not a 10 day cleanse. Do you have a link?   A 10 day cleanse is just two 5 day cleanses done back to back.  Here's a link to "all things kidney" in our Storefront (it's a bit less costly to get a 10 day package than two 5 day cleanses) 

There's something in his description of the potassium broth "flushing unwanted salts." Apparently I'm low in sodium, as well.  It seems like you'd test low on everything if the kidneys aren't processing correctly.  This being the case, be VERY careful about utilizing isolated mineral supplements once you've cleansed your kidneys (particularly salt) and they're processing correctly (wouldn't want to push yourself into a "hyper" sodium or potassium situation)  

The potassium broth is simply a high mineral/nutrient veggie broth - it would assist in dissolving and flushing away hardened deposits of mineral salts (those are ALWAYS unwanted no matter what the blood/plasma level is).  It's a replenisher - it's not going to flush anything you need out of your bloodstream.

I've actually never done an official kidney cleanse.  Well, since you've never done one and it seems like you're likely having fairly serious "issues", I'd like get an extra bag of kidney tea (so I could make the tea extra strong & effective) AND the Calcium/kidney stone flush. 

One doesn't have to have kidney stones to have hardened calcium deposits throughout the flesh of the kidneys (Schulze talks about seeing kidneys that are so hardened that the calcium deposits throughout the kidneys looks clearly like coral!).  In a ten day regime, I'd do the 3 day 'calcium kidney stone regime' on days 4-5-6 of the 10 day kidney flush...that way you'd have fortified the kidneys and cleansed them for 3 days, and while continuing that process you'd do the stronger cleanse, and then you'd have 4 days of cleansing to complete & ensure clearance of all the debris.





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