15 y
Re: a major quickie... Re: You wanna know what's not so funny? Re: For T_Montreal
"Go 'back in time' and imagine a Native American/Canadian Indian tribe/village and put yourself into their daily life & routine. POOF - it all disappears (except for that which is truly important in life)."
I was talking to someone the other day about how the Mennonite people live. You know I envy them in their little communities away from the stresses of city life. They as a group are much healthier than most americans. They live off the land, and don't go to medical doctors much at all. They use herbs, and other healing methods instead. They all help one another out. They live by the correct night/day cycle. No artificial lights to mess with their bodies.
I want to join them in a lot of ways. But I have a husband that makes a living in computers, and family members that need me who live near me in the city. I can't just leave and go live wherever I want. So, I have to deal with the stresses of city life. And city life gets more complicated by the day it seems.
I don't know what I'm trying to say exactly. I guess I just don't think it's all that simple. I wish it was for all of us. Now not worrying about what people think, that is something to work on for sure. But I don't know how easy that is either, especially when you are surrounded by people that don't understand alternative health at all. You still have to communicate with them, especially when they live with you, and just the communication alone can be so draining.
There are just so many factors in life that can make the journey of gaining back health a difficult one. And it's all different for everyone. I definitely think it's a lot more difficult for some than others.