15 y
Re: if you pay taxes, you condone violence
What the F are you smokin ? According to your writing, if I buy a pack of cigarettes, I therefore condone violence. LOL, that's why you people look like such fools scribbling this crap.
I took my daughter to a restarurant and bought her a salad, and the restauranteur charged, gasssss whaaatttt...... ??? TAX on the bill.
According to you, I condone violence because I bought a salad for a little girl.
If the store charges "tax" on birthday cakes, then everyone who ever bought their kid a friggin cake, "condones violence". I bet ole Mother Teresa bought a cake at least once in her life.
If what you said were true, then everyone who pumps a gallon of gasoline into their little lawn mower can condones violence, because there's an excise tax on it.
That means, if you have an old beat up piece of shit truck and you put a gallon of gas in it last week, then you condone violence.
What a joke. Your posting is fkn pointless and senseless.