I'm Frightened
What if we're wrong spud.
What if we're wrong and we ARE sinners? What if god f'ed up and we are a mistake he's trying to rectify and he is giving us a chance to prove we are worthy of his bountiful grace and all we need to do is kiss his butt? What if we are slime trails on god's wonderful creation? What if we don't kiss his loving ass, we end up in hell fire roasting like shishkabob for all eternity. Then what? I'm scaird Spud. You'd be a baked potato and me, me, I'd be like a roasted filet mignon wrapped in bacon inside a puff pastry with a nice tarragon bernaise sauce, ONLY CHARRED beyond recognition. No one is sending the order back to be redone either spud...forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and.......
I'm scaird. Maybe we should just, you know, kiss Hank's ass and pretend to love the monster. We may even end up with front row seats to goddy land. Boring sure, but it's better than torment (a byproduct of god's amazing love).
Man I got caught in the god vortex for a minute there. Wheeeew. Now I know how these poor people feel only they can't snap out of it. It's like a bad B movie featuring zombies walking the streets chanting "Jeezuz....Jeeezuzzzz and if they see you they try and convert you by mindlessly trying to get you to give yourself to the head zombie as well.
Oh the carnage. Oh the terror. Oh the.....