Can oxygen based cleansers burn intestinal tissues?
I am thinking of trying
Oxypowder for a
Colon Cleanse prior to starting my candida regimen. My changes in diet have been encouraging and now I've been having good and regular bowel movements every day (once upon waking and occasionally in the evenings.) I have been eating healthy for most of the past 1 year and I don't suspect a whole lot of bad stuff in my intestines (just imagining, I could be wrong).
I am in my late twenties, am pretty much underweight (110 lbs). I guess that will do for a background :)
I read the
Oxypowder 's site and it says it has peroxides of magnesium (along with magnesium oxides etc) plus it is supposed to release monoatomic oxygen inside the intestines and that "would react with any organic material" breaking it down. If it were to encounter only compacted fecal matter and liquify it, that would be great.
But if the intestine is clean (at places) isn't there a risk that the monoatomic oxygen might burn off the inner delicate tissues? This prospect scares me extremely and I would be thankful if someone can shed light on this.
Adding to this, I am also aware that peroxides are generally caustic and burn stuff off... will both of these damage the intestines if they are already clean?