Re: Fluke infection......Need Guidance and Reassurance
Thanks for the prayers. ;-)
Lots of people report good results with
Clarkia .
Hulda Clark 's advice is generally very seriously research based.
I would not worry that much about what kind of fluke it was. Chances are, just as Clark says, you have other
parasites too. It can be interesting to know what they are, but the main thing is just to kill them all, and not see any anymore.
My personal experience with zappers is that not only do you need different frequencies, you need to be targeting different areas of the body - daily until you are feeling normal, then at least weekly thereafter. The thing is they can cause awful die off, so you have to procede carefully. I wouldn't advise using the zapper and herbals together initially as that could be too overwhelming. Later, both every day I believe (not
Wormwood every day though as it is a different story as you can research.)
Here is my story of how I got success killing
parasites & far more energy in general. As it indicates, never assume your thyroid and/or adrenals are just fine, or that you don't have heavy metal poisoning in addition to parasites.