huh? I'm not sure what you are saying. God is eternal. This is a fact. I am his child. This is a fact. All God's children live eternally with him. This is also a fact. No fear here.
Hunter asked a what if question. I answered the what if question which I usually don't like to do.
Your reasoning on this is silly. It's like saying this:
I have said I love God, the God I have learned of from the bible, who I've had a relationship with many years now, and have grown to love more and more everyday.
Then someone comes along and says what if God was a worthless EVIL ant who had no power to save you. Would you still love God then. Huh? That's not who God is, so no, I wouldn't love him if he was a worthless evil ant. And then you come back with "oh so you admit you don't really love God then". That's ridicoulous reasoning. And you all talk about christians not having logic, are you sure you do?