My story and my plan
Hey everybody, I'll start with a little bit about how this all started for me and then my plan of action so you guys can tell me what you think!
I'm a 20 year old male. When I was around 14 or 15 I got jock itch. The summer of 06 I started getting an itchiness all over my body; sometimes there were small red bumps, but for the most part just itching everywhere.
In May of 2008 I went to a party where I drank a lot of beer and ate some marijuana cupcakes, the next morning I had diarrhea and ever since then I've suffered from loose unformed stools of different colors, gas, bloating, incomplete evacuation and the like. This led me to develop hemorrhoids.
I did lots of testing for gluten intolerance, and a stool test came back positive for IgA. I spent 8 months gluten free but didn't improve at all, at which point I returned to a normal diet under my doctor's advice; Celiac testing is negative, so the IgA is just some sort of Leaky Gut type food intolerance.
A candida diet and antimicrobial supplements plus probiotics for 6 weeks yielded no improvement. At one point I did a stool test for bacterial levels that said I had 0 of all the major ones, so clearly I'm in bad shape that way!
Long story short, I believe I have candida, and a lack of beneficial flora leading to leaky gut,
food intolerances and immune system irritation (hence the itchiness.)
Here's my big plan: I'm going to do a colon clease for a month. On the last day I will get ALCAT style blood testing for
food sensitivities , and then immediately begine a 14 day
Water Fast to rest my digestive system and heal up my mucosal lining a bit; I will take L-glutamine for the second week and probiotics the whole time.
After the
Water Fast I'll begin a
Rotation Diet that keeps me off my
food allergies , and do a 5 day fecal transplant. For those of you who have never heard of this, it's exactly what it sounds like (and really gross); you take feces from a healthy family member and insert it into yourself via enema. It's (in my opinion) the best way to recolonize the intestines with good flora.
What do you all think? And what can I do about the candida? I'm in college right now and can't start any of this until the summer, so I'm trying to have a really thorough plan to sort it all out.
Thanks so much for any responses.