Re: Candida Overgrowth Diagnosis?
I guess I'm having a hard time trying to understand what the difference is between 'candidiasis' and 'candida'
Candida is the microbe, whether it be in a yeast or a fungal form. Candidiasis is the condition where the Candida overgrows.
and is candida considered a 'good thing' when it's under control and a 'bad thing' when it overgrown and grown into areas it has no place being?
Is candidansis the same as fungal infection or is a fungal infection the final step in candidiasis?
Candidiasis is the overgrowth of Candida, which almost always overgrows in its fungal form.
Is guess the terms are confusing to me. Not that it's that important, but if I go by the stool analysis I have ZERO candida albicans and they are supposed to be present in the colon aren't they?
Yes, which is why I think they are really saying zero fungal Candida albicans instead of zero Candida albicans in any form.
Yet all the 'symptoms' tests I've done online show I probably have candida overgrowth.
This is why I hate these sites saying if you have these symptoms that you have Candida overgrowth. Most of the symptoms of Candida can also be symptoms of other things. And many of the symptoms they list as being symptoms of Candida have nothing to do with Candida. I think this is one of the main reason people are so confused about Candida.
So I don't know what to do at this point about it. Maybe just put it on the backburner and continue with my focus on my adrenals and thyroid. Then again, I am taking the supplements for adrenals, hormones and thyroid BASED ON SYMPTOMS so addressing what *might* be candida overgrowth because of symptoms seems to me to be just a valid.
With all the kefir you are consuming Candida is likely not an issue. Just remember to also feed the flora with fibers.