Re: Candida Overgrowth Diagnosis?
Now, what I want to tell you -and everybody else: thinking about my problem, I remember I was getting an acid reflux after mealtime, for a weeks before I was "down" with my painful sking allergy. It was the first time in my life that I got this, and did not know why or what to do. At first, I took antiacids to no avail. I could not sleep and had to get up in the morning to go to work.
A friend at work told me to drink sodium bicarbonate after eating at night. I did what she told me and found relief. The sodium bicarbonate brought my stomach acid down. But I had to do it every night. I did not change my eating habits.
Baking soda, antacids, acid blockers and alkaline waters can all aggravate acid reflux. i discuss acid reflux here:
Then, one morning I found myself in terrible pain and my entire body covered by hives. I had pain in my knees -suddenly so painful_. I also got plantar fasciitis in my left foot. All of these symtoms I developed at once.
Reducing stomach acid can lead to a whole host of problems. Undigested proteins can lead to allergic reactions. Lack of acid can also lead to nutritional deficiencies including silica that lead to tissue degradation, damage and inflammation.
I started to read your forum a week ago. I still need to learn how to treat my symptoms. Should the adrenals get my attention first? Should I give my first attention to the liver instead?
Why not focus on both at the same time. Bitters for the digestion and foods high in C and B vitamins for both the adrenals and the liver. You could use jiaogulan (gynostemma) tea as both a bitter and for its strong adrenal support.
I now have vaginal itching -not so bad, but again, a new symptom- I am not taking sodium bicarbonate any more. But all my misery developed because of it, I know. Was it Candidiasis or systemic Candida?
If it is a Candida overgrowth in the vaginal area then this would be candidiasis. Reestablishing the flora, and thus the pH will help.
I feel I owe you. And I thank you.
Just glad to hear you are learning and recovering. It helps me to know that I am not wasting my time here.