Re: Teeth extracted - headaches gone? fibro too?
Hey, I think I found a cure for Fibro, and nobody is interested? Oh well, I respond to myself then -
This is four months further on, and I had one of the remaining molars on the bottom [all upper teeth gone] act up. All my symptoms returned. I consider ths more proof of the teeth being the cause of Fibro.
That molar was extracted but my symptoms continued for another five weeks until yesterday. This co-incided with a piece of jawbone that was protruding getting healed over - thats all it took to keep symptoms strong! It bothered me, it was sore, there were bacteria getting 'under' the gums with this hole there.
More evidence, I believe, that Fibromyalgia is caused by teeth issues.Fibro has a bacterial cause!! It is "real", not in your mind like they have tried to tell me [again ,the day before yesterday, the doc thought my
Depression was clinical and not based in trauma, and that I needed Prozac,that I was wrong to think teeth were causing my symptoms that lead to depression, like sleeplessness]
I imagine most victims of Fibro do not want to hear this, because we do love out teeth. I have to just say that it is not so bad losing them. You hear lots of bullsh*t from the dentists about how you won't have any chewing power and so on. I found that they are not so bad now after a few months with a denture. I won't tell you it is easy - there are a few months of fairly trying times.
But compared to the degree of pain from Fibro, it is not bad enough to ignore, I would do it again. I recommend looking into it if you have Fibro, and some indications of gum disease, bad teeth in general, root canals, abcess [one will do it] - and especially if you have pain that the dentists do not fully explain, or disregard, or tell you outright that it isn't real.
root canals do sometimes hurt, dentists often say you are nuts to think it is real pain! You will have very few resources to turn to, certainly not dentists or doctors, and you will have to decide for yourself, then battle dentists to get them to do extractions - my battle took full five years!