Re: Degrees...
Science is still considerably very very young. In fact it has been stuck in its infancy longer than is really necessary.
Science, and the rest of so-called 'civilized' world, has been standing firm on the philosophy of Rene Descartes which is based on, and is summarized with his statement "I think therefore, I am." If you look at this more closely, it means that thinking has precedence over being. In other words, thinking of love has precedence over Love itself. Thinking about God has precedence over actually living a divine life. And because of this, the whole world has come to standing on its head. Unless this philosophy is discarded, or better yet - turned completely around, you will not see a different outer physical reality. You may employ a new system to run the world, but if this philosophy remains as its base, nothing will really ever change, the world will remain standing on its head.
With the scientific method of the past, the scientist believes that the intellect is the center of the universe. The scientist, whether he admits it or not, deep down has not believed that there is anything inner such as consciousness. His whole training only allows him to accept objects, that which he can only observe, dissect and analyze. His whole mind is object oriented. And one’s own subjectivity is not an object. He finds everything that is objectively outside himself, but does not accept his own subjectivity. Hence, the scientist does not really accept that consciousness exists. This creates a great barrier. That the whole is nothing more the sum total of its parts. And Life is more than the sum total of its parts.
With the scientific method (up to now), logic and reason are all that really matters. This is an unbalanced approach as the left brain is held in higher regard than the right (i.e. "I think, therefore I am"). Nassim Haramein is on the leading edge of
Science becoming more mature. It has taken a long time but it is about to go through a major period of growth. Because life is more than just logic and reason. It is also illogical as well. This makes up the whole of man's mind [the right as well as the left side of the brain], and the whole of his being. The right and the left brain make up a balanced human being.
Science has denied consciousness because the scientific method cannot touch it, dissect it or analyze it. And because of this it is simply rejected, and the scientist will deny that it exists. This has been the scientist’s prejudice. This has created much imbalance in the world. This imbalance will be remain an integral part of the body-mind mechanism.
With broad acceptance the of this immature view that has dominated the Scientific Method, the collective mind has carried this imbalance into whatever has been created in the outer physical world from this limited viewpoint. And the world has remained imbalanced because of it.
Science broadly accepts consciousness as having been a "missing link", then the outer reality will move with greater intensity and speed into creating a more balanced outer reality. The light at the end of the dark tunnel seems to be at hand.