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Re: Cancer virus vaccine and death

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Hveragerthi Views: 5,044
Published: 16 y
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Re: Cancer virus vaccine and death

 Support of the cancer virus theory that Hver supports lead to death!


And I already posted this information back a while ago.  Glad to see you are finally catching up. By the way did you happen to see how many times I have condemed vaccines? I am not the on that created cancer causing viruses Justin. So whether someone dies as an adverse reaction to a vaccine I do not believe in does not make me guilty of anything. So you are just showing your desperation and how far you will go to attack me and mislead people. I suppose you also feel I am guilty of something because the flu is also caused by a virus and people have died from flu vaccines? Do you see how ridiculous your arguments are?


Let's see some cases of people dying from alkalolsis, which Justin advocates:

Electrocardiographic QT Prolongation and Sudden Death in Renal Hypokalemic Alkalosis




Look at how dangerous ingestion of lime (calcium hydroxide) can be:



Safety data on the ingestion of calcium hydroxide, which your master advocates:


Gastric irritant. Ingestion may be followed by severe pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and collapse. If death does not occur in 24 hours, esophageal perforation may occur, as evidenced by fall in blood pressure and severe pain. A narrowing of the esophagus may occur weeks, months, or years after ingestion, making swallowing difficult. "


See I can come up with all sorts of links as well, but do you really want to keep playing your games and making yourself look more foolish?



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