Re: Healing is as it is.
His stance on cancer for instance, he of course chooses the establishments new baby as the primary causes of cancer, the almighty virus! lol could this be any more of a give away of his intentions!
Oh gee, my intentions are to tell the truth unlike that quack who was falsely claiming that all disease comes from an acidic lymphatic system. Where did he get that load of crap from? The bottom of a gin bottle? The lymphatic system is kept more alkaline by the body than the blood. No wonder he always ignored requests for evidence to his claims. You cannot provide evidence to made up scientific mumbo jumbo!!!
This is an allopaths dream, presrcribing toxic vaccines to already sick patients! Hello people is anyone awake???
Yet as my posts show I am highly against vaccines and pharmaceuticals. Just goes to prove what kind of brain damage drinking calcium hydroxide causes.
Might as well ignore the troll Grassman. It is clear he is only here to make up lies about those who have discredited his false prophet. And it is clear that he is unable to tell the truth even if his life depended on it. So don't feed the troll anymore.