Which is why a total holistic approach is vital. Stress is our reaction to our world and dependent largely on belief systems. Two people will respond differently to the same event due to their unique beliefs and filters. Other angles to stress are environmental loads that our immune system must deal with. Then the nutrition angle is vital so it has the right nutrients to function. It's a synergy.
Interesting thread.
Interesting responses.
I have personally healed a profound adrenal exhaustion situation. I did it through a raw living foods diet, meditation and visualization, making life changes that brought about fulfillment and balance. Along with that it cleared up a myriad of other "conditions." All disease is due to toxicity and lack of nutrition like Lucid was saying. Very good info for those who are ready to hear it and utilize it. It is core information that can be applied to all disease.
If your not yet well and you have used an approach for some time, please be open to deeper understandings. The simple truth of removing toxicity which like Lucid said interferes with the body's innate ability to heal is absolute truth. Then supply optimal nutrition and the fast track to renewed health is maximized.