Re: This means your digesting less Mold Toxins
I am glad to hear your doing better and cooking with better foods... It's tough to get fresh foods that haven't gone moldy...
are some non moldy foods and spices as your doing.
Yes Neuron Toxics like
Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) & "Natural Flavors" can cause you to feel uncomfortable as it did for me.
Anxiety is caused by a blocked liver and gall bladder. Most commonly the
toxicant is mold. As for the best way to get rid of anxiety, it would be
cleansing and nourishing the liver and repairing the damaged bile ducts
(over 1.5 miles in the liver) because if the bile ducts are damaged from
mold or toxicants they become spastic and the spasms and backups into the
nervous system cause anxiety and panic attacks.
I was a fan of Dr. Gerson approach until I realized I needed to have my commensals do the work of healing my body, so I stopped that approach of having
coffee enemas and focussed on repopulation of the commensals in the body and watching the consumption of grains as being moldy.
While we don't give candy to the kids they did get hold of some of them during the Halloween night and my youngest has a mold toxin allergy and will start throwing up. Well chocolate and especially ones that have been sitting in a bag for who knows how long had a throw up attach for 4 hrs before feeling better.
Keep up the good work and also explore EFT as well to get rid of thoughts that do us know good...