Re: Juicing (and more) with a blender instead of a juicer
I've had a 3hp high speed blender for years and honestly, I hardly use it. I like it for fruit smoothies but eventually got sick of those and found that I just rather EAT the raw fruit. It's good for the morning fruit smoothies as quick meals and being able to throw/hide fruit in it I normally wouldn't eat.. like banannas. Cheap and full of nutrients but I despise them regardless of how ripe they are.. but I like them mixed with frozen strawberries.
There are also some liquid and powdered supplements I take..pretty easy to take when they're hidden in fruit.
I tried to make carrot juice with it once. Threw in some carrots and let them soak in water so they would blend better..which they did. But it was so thick and pulpy it was nasty. And watering it down didn't help because the taste got all messed up compared to fresh carrot juice.
I know a lot of people are into the "Green Smoothie" thing because of whatshisname who came out with the book. I tried a few of those recipes and gagged.
I don't like "juice" made out of a blender. When I want "Juice", I don't want foam and pulp and I also do not like my juices watered down so it's just not for me.
Plus, I'm into juice fasting. I don't believe in fasting with blended juices due to the fiber starting the digestive process.
My GreenStar gets used more.