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Re: Question about Electrolytes?
Electrolytes are soluble minerals that have the ability to carry an electrical charge...ions. Sodium (organic...not
table salt !), potasssium, chloride, magnesium and calcium are the primary ones...when suspended in water you can think of them as your inner ocean. Electrolytes are necessary for proper fluid transport, cellular oxidation and the metabolic functions essential for the life of every cell. Different body fluids have different concentrations of electrolytes.
Prolonged matter what the cause...will result in a loss of electrolytes and possibly electrolyte imbalance...same with vomiting.
Sea Salt alone is not sufficient to replace them...loss of potassium usually accompanies either diarrhea or vomiting as well. The salt can also result in an increase in diarrhea since more water is drawn into the intestines in order to dilute it...creating a further loss. This is the primary reason I am opposed to using salt...sea or epsom...flushes on a frequent basis...they contribute to both dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.
Drinking water doesn't wash away electrolytes...but will dilute their if electrolyes are low to begin with and then large quantities of water are consumed there will be an even lower concentration of electrolytes in body fluids resulting in imbalance.
The best way to maintain electrolyte balance is to establish a steady supply of minerals including trace minerals that are easily absorbed. Regularly using liquid minerals including trace minerals is one of the best ways of doing this...along with a diet that includes lots of whole foods...veggies and fruits...and fresh well as using
Sea Salt instead of processed salt.
Most bowel diseases and toxic conditions are accompanied by an acidic state in the body...electrolytes alkalinize the system and these minerals can help to reverse many of these conditions.