Dollars & SENSE -- Re: My newest creation! Enjoy!
'Seems like most folks posting in this thread have been some type of craftsman, artisan or 'maker' of something in the past, so this post is meant for ALL eyes (not just posters).
Let us remember, every workman IS worthy of their hire. Time IS money.
Rocky and I have been self-employed artists for almost 15 years - it is NOT an easy life, and it is rarely, truly profitable in any normal sense of the word.
I've got a bit of experience under my belt sewing, and I estimate (even once the patterns were perfected and all materials could be cut/shaped "en masse"), that it would take at least 3-4 hours to assemble one of these gloriously inpsired mitts. We artists know, that because we're getting to do what we love (and help others at the same time), that those two things make up 50% of our "pay". What is the time on an artist (particularly of Miss Helfinger's caliber) actually worth?
I've always had a very simple formula - an artist (that has spent years, maybe decades) compiling equipment, supplies and paying out of pocket for those things (AND the time & money *poofed away* by countless "weeks worth of hours" of failures, which lead to their current level of expertise), is worth at LEAST as much per hour as your local Mr. Goodwrench is paid to change & gap spark plugs, or screw on a new muffler. At the minimum, that's $50 an hour rurally, and pushin' $100 an hour in the city. Deduct 50% from that (because artists "get" to do what they love and benefit others at the same time), and you get $25 - $50 an hour.
Multiply $25 - $50 an hour X 3-4 hours = $75 - $200 ....just for the TIME and use of equipment & knowledge/inspiration. That doesn't even count the cost of materials, gasoline, wear/tear on auto and utilities used to operate equipment.
Personally, I wouldn't THINK of offering less than $75 (and a HUGE debt of some type) for one of these mitts. If Miss H is willing to make them for that, she's a true angel! (and I hope I haven't insulted her by mentioning that low of a dollar amount).
'Think they're not WORTH $100 a mitt? I bet you would if you tried to do castor oil treatments on your hands for week using cloth strips & ace bandages to hold them place, while trying to figger out how to keep your hands still, and on a heating pad. Yep, you'd do that about once before you said 'forget it'...and went back to yer aches & pains.
I'm tellin' ya true, castor oil on your hands and feet will takes YEARS OFF in just a few days...investing in health IS investing in beauty, too :)
I dunno 'how much' she's planning on asking for these (if she can find the time to make them), but if I hear of anyone making an insulting offer or griping about what she 'asks'...this lil' Iowa farm gal will be throwing a complete & total fit!
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it