Re: My newest creation! Enjoy!
HA! Cute!! I think we should trade some cream for some corn...perhaps together we make (wait for it...) cream corn?
I know - it's late and I've fasted today - whattya want from me? lol
I'm on the fence about printed fabrics in the microwave but I'll certainly look into it. What I've found is that a lot of flannel isn't 100% cotton and cannot be microwaved. That's why I chose an older flannel to start working with first. I'll look online and see what is available. I'll bet a lot more is available on ebay than can be found in my small town (sigh, I miss the fabric selection in larger cities!). I read that only cotton, of course, can be microwaved.
No essential oils in the heating pads microwaved, no flax seed meal and no wheat - they all have caused fires. I realize you're saying put the oil on your skin and that I think is just peachy.
The layers go like this:
closest to skin: unbleached, cotton flannel (by Cayce it's 3 fold, I used good quality with 2 fold for the mitts) soaked in castor oil
a thin layer of plastic like saran wrap (that's what I use). I have not before and the oil (like oil will do) soaks the other way into the heating pad fabric and I lose that oil contact with my skin.
The heating pad. Some say to wrap the heating pad in a towel and I think it's meant to cut down on heat - but I'm not real interested in that.
As a skiier - castor oil packs could well become your favorite adjunct movie protocol. Since the time frame is 1-1.5 hours it's perfect for a movie - nice and smooshie. I'm such a geek that I brought one for me & the man and while on our honeymoon we watched movies and did castor oil packs together. Yes - I laughed at me and us - if ya can't laugh at yourself - you're screwed.
I'll look into fabric and get to puzzlin' on these!