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Re: Starting lyme protocol....Ottawa Ontario, anyone here have a rife?
kairae Views: 3,216
Published: 16 y
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Re: Starting lyme protocol....Ottawa Ontario, anyone here have a rife?

Hi Newport,
wow, just that and I'm confused. How does niacinamide stop allergies?
I have done metal tests, and they were 'normal' through the only lab in canada who does this. Though they were high for mercury about 7 years ago before I got sick like this....they said though their test doesn't differentiate between mercury 6 and merc 3 or something? One was from food or organic, the other was harmful metal.??
I had a hair analysis done by that lab that everyone uses, and it basically came up with high arsenic.

I can barely tolerate foods, and cannot eat dairy, any sugars, including fruit, I react as if allergic, head crazy, heart palpitations and hives I think if I have too much.
I dont' know what's going on!
I only know that igenex did tell me I was positive for lyme and rmsf. Does it matter the approach if it's an old infection or new?

lead never came up as a problem for me, why do you think I would have to start with that? I've never eaten old paint! But seriously, it never came up, so ??
Maybe I can try that benefiber, maybe I can handle it.
WHat is the purpose of it?
Enzymes have been hard on my gut, everything is now.

I have dealth with many NDs and they all have different approach, I have no money anymore, and they focus a lot on 'energy' and resolving past conflicts.
I don't know this feels VERY physical to me, I suffer a lot lately.
Also, does rife also diagnose if a person has a particular parasite or tick born illness?
Thanks very much.


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