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Re: Starting lyme protocol....Ottawa Ontario, anyone here have a rife?
Johny Apple Bomb Views: 3,074
Published: 16 y
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Re: Starting lyme protocol....Ottawa Ontario, anyone here have a rife?

lso meant to say that I drank vitc/salt in water today all day, and got such bad flu like aches in my legs, groin, arms - shooting aches and very sore and weak. I drank more water (even though that burns my mouth/esophageal tissues) and it lessened somewhat.
Do you know is that typical with that treatment?


Yes. When you kill off a large amount of pathogens you will often get a Herx. Body overwhelmed with to much toxins at one time.

How does that stuff you suggested help allergies? I am afraid to take anything.


I would guess. By removing heavy metals and other toxins you are no longer on the verge of having a reaction.


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