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seek2clean Views: 1,866
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Re: dumb or dumber (edited)


I an ideal world education would be free for the asking for those who seek knowledge. Instead what it takes to GET an education is criminal - IMhO. I came from a family of teachers - an environment fraught with emphasis on learning - for its own sake. In the mix were atheletes and artists as well - both parents! I was in love with atoms and molecules, anatomy, physiology, biology, geology - comforted by illustrations of what we look like inside our bodies and wanting to be DOCTOR when I grew up - grateful today that never happened!!! A teacher I would never be - just ask me at nine years young. And an artist was just a crazy parent, so I would not be that either. The thirst for scientific knowledge remained, and I studied beyond my high school curriculum - and I, too, was ostracized for having a brain - even worse when your Grandfather is the H.S. Principal!

In my early twenties, almost against my will, the artist in me emerged, followed by the shocking insight to illiteracy in our country. I have gone back to school 3 times in 35 years - twice while single-parenting 4 children - chipping away at requirements for a degree to someday teach illiterate adults to read, and possibly work with helping heal abuses through art therapy. WE ARE ALL creative - it takes the key of encouragement to unlock the door. I have always, and will always share with anyone who desires to learn. When artists and scientists realize how MARRIED they really are, it will be a different world.

The BIG Business of Education - available unequally to all, depending on economic status and luck of the draw in too many instances, is the greatest shame of our time. The uninspiring methods of gearing our young for nothing more than the illusion of financial security is the greatest weapon in the arsenal of the powers that be - whether they conspire or not. The greatest, most valuable things in life I have not found in a book, but rather from bittersweet lessons learned - however, THE WORLD says I must become educated in the confines of the BOX education has become, at astronomical cost and extreme debt - never considering the depth of commitment of some to help the rest. The grueling schedule of needing to generate income, with a full load of college, while trying to answer the artist call as well, for 3 years - over the age of 50 - made me so ill (or rather REVEALED how out of balance I was)that I could do NOTHING for many months, and I found CZ as a result.

It will be a crying and criminal shame if I gorw old and die before I get there, before the B.A. or M.A. or whatever "A" makes a lifetime of acquired knowledge and extensive experience valuable and LEGITIMATE in this world.

seek2clean - still alive because of CUREZONE
(~starving artist - past, present, and future teacher~)


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