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Re: dumb or dumber (edited)
spudlydoo Views: 1,813
Published: 16 y
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Re: dumb or dumber (edited)

Hi Gina, I'm not a believer in NWO or conspiracy, I think it has a lot more to do with the attitudes of society, I believe that as a society we invent these secret, elite, bad guys, to put the blame on them for the disintergration of our own culture, and avoid taking responsibility for our own part in the dumbing down of the society we live in. I do agree with you that money is often at the bottom of the lies and missinformation that is put forth by our pollies and the medical establishment. I also think that people who are currently in power, do not want to give up that power, so it is necessary to keep independant thinkers at a minimum.

As a society we do not value education, beyond what is commercially usable. In Australia, we are seeing a push towards industry controlled education, and the turning away from such sciences and subjects such as philosphy, pure mathematics, history and basically, any field of learning that doesn't directly turn a buck. We no longer value education for its own sake, and for me this is a sad state of affairs. I saw this shift take place in the 1980's, and it has taken over our education system. IMHO there is no NWO orchestrating this, it is our own societies that have brought this about, through economic rationalism. We value people in terms of how much income they can generate, which is why, I believe, we are seeing the loss of respect for the role of parents, older people, disabled people, and anyone who does not fit the role of income producer, such as artists(unless they are commercially successful), philosophers and free thinkers in general. Without these people, society will disintergrate further, until we are left with those who are industry educated and make a lot of money and have a lot of power, and those that are uneducated and feed the mills.




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