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dumb or dumber (edited)
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dumb or dumber (edited)

 I did the same thing in Jr.High. I wanted to be with the cool kids and they were in the "dumb" classes, so I did poorly on purpose. Another reason was I was bored to death.

Teacher tenure keeps rotten teachers in boring classes, the curriculum is ancient lies most of the time, not pertinent to anyone or anything going on, and when you lose a kids attention they go off into other things like what their peers are doing.

I agree with you that american socialist "one size fits all" schools were created to keep the masses inline by the rich elite who plan on taking over the world. Frightening, but that's what the New World Order is all about. Keeping us wage slaves, addicted to junk, sick and tired.

This is a very long (4 hours!) history lesson you won't hear in school. I can't remember where the part on public school is, but it goes on to show who's behind the curtain.

This is on money and central banking, but I  think it also has the part on dumbing us down.

There's so much to learn in here. I don't have that much respect for an "official" education either, but I have NO respect for someone making up ridiculous claims that are actually harmful, especially in here where ill people are vulnerable.

I consider it each person's responsibility to educate themselves.

We all can say the same about our "educated" doctors, hospitals, food supplies, inspectors, politicians etc. as we say about ML. They may start out with good intentions but they believe lies taught to them by pharmaceutical reps, TV, the internet, teachers etc. and of course money is usually the bottom line.

Also, "they" keep adding more requirements and pre-req classes in colleges here. Why? People working in the professions I talk to say they NEVER use most of what they learned in college. MOST of it's on the job learning. That's exactly how it was for me. 

Here's another Zeitgeist.




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