Re: --Something to consider about Cleanses, all kinds
Hi Moreless,
I totally agree!
I knew immediately, when I saw your ph drink that it had the pinch of epsom salts in it and that it would be an ideal drink combination for passing stones--gradually.
Especially, for those who can't or will not eat right and/or are too sick and weak to be able to do any cleanses such as my grandma and mom.
This drink takes care of everything eventually, but it may take a very long time for some to see a cure.
However, the improvements can and do come quickly as I have seen!
For me, doing the liver flushes every 2 weeks for a year was god send from my throwing up and dizziness every few days for over 5 years. I just wish I would have known about the ph drink then!
I definately, do not recommend the liver flush to anyone that is sickly, but I can always recommend the moreless ph drink safely!