I had a friend that constantly had UTI's and was sick with everything that goes around.
I had her do the dr clark kidney cleanse and on the 3rd day, she said she had not felt that good since she was a little girl. She is bipolar and stopped the cleanse after the 3rd day. A week later, she started passing a couple very large stones. She started getting really sick and found she had a bunch of fibroids.
My conclusion is that she felt good because she cleared some large mass of stones in kidneys and her organs were beginning to work again. These fibroids were obviously there for a long time and now, the body was trying to heal them. This means tons of toxin can be released and overburden our liver and kidneys.
It takes a long time to get the body to heal itself when we have spent decades destroying it!
I am a firm believer in totally flushing the kidneys and liver while adding the ph drink to keep health and balance.
I don't know how long it takes our body's to clean up and start stabilizing using the moreless ph drink alone, but I think it not wise to assume it can work overnight.
Also, if the veggies have this NPN funny protein, I have read here that a H2O2 soak and rinse helps to get rid of this?
Update: I just want to clarify that I posted this story in response as an example of how a protocol could bring dramatic results at first, and then, appear to go downhill, when it is all part of the healing process and that we should not give up just because we are not seeing those same results. Doing the ph drink will eventually bring the results we long for!
Hope this helps,
Hi Di,
I agree that the ph drink should be taken at all times.
However, because of these toxins being released, it is necessary to keep the complement organs clean, so they can do their cleaning power!
This is why Dr Clark recommends the order of cleanses as:
1. parasite cleanse weekly
2. bowel cleanse
3. kidney cleanse
4. liver cleanse
5. repeat the above until liver has flushed at least 2,000 stones.
Also, I'd like to note that if a gallstone gets stuck, taking a tblsp of epsom salts will relax the bile ducts so the stuck stone can pass. I just did this an hour ago to my grandma because she was having a gallstone attack after eating a salad.
Hi Moreless,
I totally agree!
I knew immediately, when I saw your ph drink that it had the pinch of epsom salts in it and that it would be an ideal drink combination for passing stones--gradually.
Especially, for those who can't or will not eat right and/or are too sick and weak to be able to do any cleanses such as my grandma and mom.
This drink takes care of everything eventually, but it may take a very long time for some to see a cure.
However, the improvements can and do come quickly as I have seen!
For me, doing the liver flushes every 2 weeks for a year was god send from my throwing up and dizziness every few days for over 5 years. I just wish I would have known about the ph drink then!
I definately, do not recommend the liver flush to anyone that is sickly, but I can always recommend the moreless ph drink safely!