Put it like this...if your not feeling sick, then the meds aren't doing their job. So be glad that your feeling sick. It's working. Everyone can take a million guesses as to why you feel drunk & sick, but whatever the scientific reason is behind it, the main thing is that candida is being killed off. When the meds kill it off, it sucks, but it's working! That's alot of garbage for your body to deal with. All of your energy & power is going towards removing the candida from your body. Continue eating clean, do some coffee enemas to help your liver out, keep your bowels moving, & sleep. I've personally experienced the same thing from Diflucan. One HUGE suggestion I will give you is to take alot of quality probiotics when your are finished the Diflucan. If you do not you wil not re-establish the good bacteria. Candida will return & it will be worse. I am not joking, this is a really important step in recovery.