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Die-off or reaction to Diflucan?
whytemagik Views: 67,862
Published: 16 y

Die-off or reaction to Diflucan?

Hi all,
Just looking for some input from any of you who've been through some of what I'm experiencing.
I've had long-term (like 15 years and I'm only 25 now) GI issues, fatigue, brain-fog, muscle aches/soreness, etc, and recently started going to an integrative medicine doctor. He did a pretty in-depth stool analysis and, among other things, found an overgrowth of candida. So now I'm on a month's prescription of 200mg Diflucan daily.
The first week or so was horrible-terrible gas and bloating, but then seemed to calm down a bit. At this point, I'm about two weeks in and a few days ago I started to experience extreme fatigue, lightheadedness/fogginess(I almost feel drunk-without the fun), nausea, muscle aches, headache, scratchy throat, and low-grade fever(~99.6). At first I thought I must be coming down with something. But then I wondered if it could actually be die-off (YAY?!) or even some kind of adverse reaction to the meds themselves (I know it's hard on your liver).
So, anyone else experience this kind of thing and know what it might be?


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