Re: D.E. Water
Sorry, let me get this straight. You are saying it doesn't make a difference if you put a teaspoon or a tablespoon in a gallon?
Surely the more you put in the more is dissolved which equals a larger quantity in the water.
Actually no. Silica is poorly soluble in water. So you will only dissolve a tiny amount of the silica in to the water. The rest will settle out. When you add some more water it will dissolve a litte more and the excess will settle out. It will not dissolve like sugar or salt.
Either way this is so little compared to the recommended 1 tablespoon in a glass of water once or twice a day.
Yes, but taking a tablespoon just means nearly all the silica will just be expelled rather than absorbed. Great for getting rid of intestinal parasites, but it will not put more silica in to your system.
Also what happens if I drink a gallon of water a day, with the one teaspoon? Would I get less silica than if I had drunk the gallon over several days?
No, you will get more silica in your system the more frequently you drink the water. The water will only dissolve a trace of silica. And you can only absorb very small amounts of silica at a time. So drinking the water frequently allows you to absorb a small amout of silica each time you take a drink of the water with the DE dissolved in it.