Re: Help! Treating lymphoma and uterine fibroids
The Zinc chloride used in bloodroot salve is extremely caustic. I do not recommend using it because of that.
I have read anecdotal information indicating that bloodroot hunts down cancer, viruses and
parasites anywhere in the body and eradicates them without damaging healthy tissue.
This seems to be proving true in my experience. None the less, the herxing is horrendous when bloodroot does it's job. It truly is a question of whether or not the cure is worse than the disease.
If you take too much, you will get sick and throw it up. If you don't take enough, you don't make any progress.
You have to slowly increase the dose to reach the deep roots of disease. The higher the concentration, the deeper the cleanse. If you don't take enough, it won't cleanse the deeper tissues and the disease will come back. And in my case, it came back with a vengeance, very quickly.
You have to understand that it's a long miserable process and be committed to the process. Otherwise it would be better to find another medicine. I don't recommend boodroot for everyone.