Bloodroot is one herb that might be helpful and I note that it is an important element of the Jon Barron created Blood Support Tonic I highly recommend as well as the famed 5th generation herbalist Dru Browning's Blood Tonic which the Jon Barron formula appears closely modeled after. However, I would rely on far more than just bloodroot for beating cancer, as you can see in my suggested anti-cancer protocol:
It may be overkill for many folks, but it attempts to address practically everything we know, or believe we know, about cancer and when it comes to fighting cancer i say leave no stone unturned (so long as your overall protocol contains compatible elements).
For uterine fibroids, I suggest taking several good digestive enzymes (5 or 6 capsules) two or three times daily on an empty stomach. Dissolving fibrins is one of the main actions of enzymes taken in such a manner.