Re: Uterine fibroids are a symptom of iodine deficiency
Iodine is needed by the entire body, not just the thyroid. However, I would not be surprised at all to find that your friend has thyroid issues too.
are two excellent sites for more information. For her fibriods, she can take either
Lugol's solution (iodine and potassium iodide) or iodoral (tablet form by Google iodoral for best price. For fibroids 50mg daily at minimum is recommended. There is a post on the mosaic board from a woman who had a severe uterine fibroid problem. She did a little research and found out about iodoral. She took 50mg 4x daily for 3 weeks and the fibroids were resolved.
However, with the fibroids, your friend is probably loaded with toxic halides like fluoride and bromide (like we all are), there is a link on
Iodine and how to handle detox symptoms. Some of the most common detox symptoms are: bromide rash/acne, frontal/sinus headach, sinus congestion/drainage, tingling, itching, feeling of "heaviness in chest". There are more on the listed site. The symptoms, although unpleasant, are temporary and a sign that you need the
Iodine and it is doing its job.
The boy with lymphoma would benefit from
Iodine too. Post this question on the iodine boards and let wombat, trapper answer this. I've also heard that
Oleander soup is anticancer. There's a board for that too.
Hope some of my ramblings help.