I posted something similar to this a few weeks back but decided to explain it better. The issue I have is I'll sleep ok for a while lately 4 to 5 hours it used to be 2 or 3 hours. What wakes me up is I'll wake up super warm not sweating generally but really warm. If wake up cold I can go right back to sleep, but warm it is all over for the night. Anti fungals seem to help but not much. Things I have read says your body cleanes at night while you sleep. So my question is is my body overheating due to extreme cleaning. Will parasites due that or candida or both or are my adrenals either overworked or messed up, or something else all together. If any body has this happen to them or has a answer I would be very interested to know. Also the only candida issues I have is a bad case of oral thrush and the insomnia nothing else. I have had sinus issues all my life(age 47) Also I am on thyroid medication. Have tried to vary that up and down with no luck for longer sleep just on lower dose have trouble getting to sleep. Long post if your still reading thanks for taking an interest.