Newly Diagnosed...
So I was diagnosed with this last Thursday, after thinking I was having heart pains.
I have had some really bad flare ups of this, usually at around 4 or 5 in the morning. Does anyone have any suggestions for that? My best idea was take 3 or 4 ibuprofen right before I go to sleep.
I'm also wondering - it seems like yet another thing has been added... during these late night/early morning episodes, I swear it feels like my ribs and my sternum are GRINDING against eachother. It's all I can feel, all I can think about. It is awful. It's a "new" development. I say "new" because these are all new developments for me. Does anyone else get that feeling?
Are you guys able to exercise? I am afraid of gaining a lot of weight with this.
I am also interested in massage and acupuncture.. maybe acupressure as well. Any experience?
Thank you in advance for any help!